Lorenz 96 1-tier dynamical system
Lorenz 96 speaks about a 2 dimensional dynamical system where a variable changes with time.
From the atmospheric point of view we can assume a latitude circle, where surface temperature
changes with time.

Lorenz 96 2-tier dynamical system
Two different scales say large scale and small scales interact with each other. This is slightly complex dynamical system. (Lorenz 2006).

b is the ratio of amplitude of large to small scale variables. To have better separation in the scales b is set to 10.
c is the ratio of rates of evolution of large to small scale variables. To have better separation in the scales c is set to 10.
h is the amount of influence that large and small scale can have on each other. To have better influence among the scales scales h is set to 1.
After applying above parametes in 2.1 and 2.2,